Friday, 12 March 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I have learnt that you have to focus completely on the target audience through out designing your product. Even in the way you write things and the pictures you choose. I have learnt have even the layout depends on your target audience and colours and price. The research was very important and helped me a lot. I did not do much research in my prelim task, so i found it hard. I have learnt that certain fonts can make your magazine look more professional than others do. I learnt that little things like putting a website address and strap lines can make your magazine more professional. I have learnt how to use a lot more programmes to make my magazine the best it could be such as gimp. I think that overall my front cover of my main task is alot more proffesional than my pri-lim front cover.

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